JoePage 2012-03-25 10.40.52
Progress with Preservation

Calhoun Growth Association (CGA)

We serve as the Economic Development Committee within Calhoun Community Foundation. Our activities range from hosting events, securing grant funding, to charitable works for the betterment of the community.

Our goal is to fortify and grow Calhoun County, IL so that our businesses and community members may prosper, ensuring progress with preservation.

Member Spotlight

Illinois Electric Cooperative

Our electric members reside within our electric service territory in 6 counties. We provide broadband internet in our 6 county service territory. We are on the final stages of completing a full fiber to the home build out in Calhoun County.

Our Goals

Strategic Goals

  1. Increasing availability of overnight accommodations
  2. Addressing access issues including the redesign of the Joe Page Bridge
  3. Marketing to attract visitors & support businesses.
Membership Listing

View Our Roster of Current Calhoun Growth Association (CGA) Members

Join Us

Become a Member

CGA is a membership-based committee within the foundation. Any person, association, corporation, partnership, or estate having an interest in the objectives of the organization shall be eligible for participation. There are three membership levels available requiring annual dues: Supporter: $100 Contributor: $300 Investor: $1,000 Contact us for more information about CGA membership.